Application to Opencast Bradley/Billingside to be determined Tuesday 15th Feb
Hello All
After nearly 4 years of waiting the application to surface mine the Bradley/Billingside site (Pont Valley) is to be determined next Tuesday 15th Feb, at 2pm in Durham County Hall.
We have several speakers against the application, but need as many bodies as possible to show the the strength of feeling.
Please come along and support us.
We've also seen a notice about a planned demo (see link) but they have the time wrong, can someone please let them know. I have too many security measures on my pc and can't access their site!!
Unbelievably the planning officer has recommended that the members approve this application, so it's vital we have a good turn out.
Hope to see you there
Victory Update!
The members unanimously voted to reject the application to surface mine the *Bradley Site* = don't stop campaigning though, we need now to muster action and funds in case there is an appeal to fight. UK Coal left the meeting *considering their position* refusing a press comment.